We Beheld Him

 We Beheld Him

The Lamb Jesus Christ, as a baby child was born as a man who came to heal the nations. His life was a pure ultimate sacrifice and reflection of our Father. In and through Father God, Jesus every move was an intertwined state of connection. A child of heavenly beauty walked upon the earth – eternal precious being and human without sin. He moved and had His being where angels walked. The Triune God had an immaculate amazing plan for all of creations rebirth and renewal. A liberation, a reformation giving man the opportunity to choose freedom from Satan’s long-held stronghold. A restored Eden – the paradise where sons and daughters may once again walk in liberty with their God. No longer barriers of sin.

Man will now forever sing praises to the Lamb. Through His sacrifice, men will walk in their commission and authority to pray that the blind will see, the dead will hear, the lame will leap. The dead will live again.

On the cross of Christ’s suffering, humanity beheld him. All of the generations past connected to the present need to fall in repentance before our Lord for the absolutely atrocious acts perpetrated to our only Son of God the Great I Am. His shed precious blood DELIVERED us out of earth’s unrest, idolatry, greed, wars, upheavals, death, sin, destruction, and outright disobedience to all of God’s laws.

The Holy Son of Man through the ultimate act of His LOVE suffered, died and rose again retrieving the keys from hell, death, and the grave for His sons and daughters to live their lives in a hope and the promise of a NEW tomorrow as we arise to meet Him in the sky. Our heavenly mansion is OUR HOME.

Written By: Renata Ritter

© Copyright 11/10/19


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