
My newest private group is launched. It is called: Between The Whirling Wheels of God. We will be discussing dreams, visions, and heavenly insights.  Hybrids who rendezvous with destiny discovering exciting, amazing adventures led by the Holy Spirit! Renata Ritter inc










Follow Me and like my NEW public group called: Daisy Principle Group. We will be sharing and talking about the beauty and serenity of nature. Harmony and balance nourish peace within.

blog banner for renata ritter inc inspirational author and speaker


Photography- I enjoy photography. A specialty of mine is taking pictures of my flowers, the sky, clouds, sunrise, and sunset views. 


Flowers- Flower gardening is my passion.  Flowers are so uplifting to one’s spirit!

Leif Erickson Flower Gardens

My 2018 newest project was released. Check out my new book called The Cutting Edge on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The Cutting Edge gives insights and strategies for the emerging spiritual warrior. The upcoming sequel will be called Point of Impact. Point of Impact shares my experiences in the eternal realm of deeper knowledge, understanding, and revelation of the Holy Spirit.

Projects on the horizon include  Skype Training Courses that give insights and strategies on a large range of topics for the millennials and adults who are out on the frontlines of evangelism, mission, and ministry in the USA as well as other areas of the world.

Parents and grandparents the book and Skype training will help you to work with and relate to the issues young adults in your family and friends are encountering in their lives. You will be equipped to be a light and encouragement sharing and implementing wisdom in their lives.