Diamonds in the Rough.

Life is like a diamond in the rough, every cut or break only reveals more of the beauty and brilliance we all have waiting to expose. Unknown Author

Diamonds In The Rough

We are all diamonds in the rough.  The refiners wheel continually sharpens our edges through all of life’s difficulties, trials, and experiences making us into diamonds. We wander away from the shadow of His wings where we are safe and warm in his arms.  A void continues to stir within us. The world can not satisfy, it is like the false glitter of fools gold – its allure attracts us.

As hard as we may try to stay on the right path we can not do so because our enemy is at work continually to destroy all that reflects light and displays life. Our focus is fogged over and we become down-trodden and lose hope. The Truth is not there. The only one that can change us from within is the Holy Spirit.  He knows us inside and out. He is the great rescuer. He is the lifeline that reforms us.

God sees us as His children who have hidden characteristics and huge potential. He continues to groom us and shine us up until the true gem comes to the surface and once there we are one of the world’s most beautiful, priceless, and precious jewels. We will no longer be moved by any false gods of this world. If dropped a portion of us can break but we will last forever. Diamonds in the rough transpire into His wonder-working masterpiece.

Written By: Renata Ritter

© 2017

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