Dare To Dream

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
~ Harriet Tubman ~

Dare To Dream

Dreams are wishes filled with the expectation of hope, joy, fulfillment, prosperity, and accomplishment.  They already existed and were handpicked for you before your creation.  Your abilities and skills were carefully chosen to assure your success.  What lies within you isn’t always visible to the naked eye.  Your own creativity is lying dormant within, hidden from your own view.  Sheer exhilaration is ignited when you discover; you can do all things because you have been bestowed with strength from our creator!  Realize that your existence like a deer depends on freshwaters in a stream and when it has dried up there is no life but once it becomes alive again and is renewed you will no longer pant with thirst, drink deeply from the springs fresh supply.  Be renewed and continue to dream.  A trickle begins forming into a pond, which overflows into a river finding the outlet to an ocean that will go on forever. 

Reach for the moon.  Believe in the unbelievable.  Your only barrier is the negativity that lies in the corridors of your own mind.  Listen to the voice that says “If you ponder on the ways of Wisdom and The Word then you will be like trees firmly standing by a stream that brings forth fruit in due season and your leaves will not fade nor wither and everything you do will prosper.  Decide today to change your mind.  Let me assure you that decision will be the wisest you have ever made. 

Experience every opportunity to the fullest and to such an extent that you can fully recall it for the rest of your life. How it feels, tastes, smells, looks, and how it affected your life.  Did you let every cell within your body breathe in the life that surrounds you? Did you see the rising of the sun and it’s going down as if you may never see again?  Without light we parish.  Our life is but a flutter or a twinkle of the eye.  Do not waste one minute.  Share your dreams with all who will listen for in so doing you will release the desire for its coming.  Seek open doors of opportunity. 

Attributes of the accomplished are: hard work, a never give up attitude, self-motivation, a desire to share and serve others, and a heart of compassion.  Joy is helping others make their dreams come true.  If you give of yourself to a needy world, the world will give back immeasurable amounts of transferable wealth of; wisdom, kindness, loyalty, respect, and a return of love and friendship.

Master the art of appreciation and gratitude and give thanks through times of hardship for in so doing your prize will be released.  Seek out those that lived full lives and reach for the wisdom they freely share.  Study their lives; learn from their errors and success.  Be a student continually learning and don’t be afraid of hard work, its rewards will come back to you! We are to labor with the work of our hands. 

Seek goodness!  The fulfillment of your dream is only achievable by Grace from above.  Our endeavors must be lined up with the right attitude.  Freedom is the right to use our own mind for the greater good.  Live every day to such a degree that a megawatt light reflects from your being and countenance.  Your joy and happiness will beam on to those around you.  When you fulfill your dreams, the spectrum will be complete, your struggles will no longer exist, and you will be at Peace. 

Written By: Renata Ritter

© 2008

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